Cause for complaint?

You may complain about a faulty product for up to 5 years after purchase, depending on how long the product is meant to last. When buying from private individuals, the statutory warranty period is 2 years.

Do you have a reason to complain?

What’s the nature of the fault?

If it’s a manufacturing fault or if you didn’t receive what you paid for, the trader is obliged to put things right. The product must be exactly as the trader advertised it – in the store or elsewhere – and you must have received all necessary information about the purchase.

If you were aware of the fault at the time of purchase or it was caused by your own actions or an accident, you must foot the bill yourself. You could also check your insurance policies to see whether they cover it.

You have 2 or 5 years to make a complaint

You have 2 or 5 years to make a complaint if you purchased from a professional trader (Consumer Sales Act (in Norwegian)).

The statutory warranty period depends on how long the product is meant to last when subjected to normal use. Sofas and mobile phones are examples of products with a 5-year warranty period.

When buying from a private individual, the warranty period is 2 years (Sale of Goods Act (in Norwegian)).

What can you claim?

As soon as it’s been established that the fault is thetrader’s responsibility, they must offer you a repair or replacement. They must do so within a reasonable period of time. The repair or replacement should not come at a significant inconvenience to you, and the trader may normally not attempt to repair the same fault more than twice.

If the trader is unable to repair it or give you a replacement product, you may get a discount or your money back. You may ask the trader to pay interest on this amount, but they may also reduce the amount to compensate for the time you’ve been able to use the product. If you’ve incurred any expenses as a result of the fault, you may also claim compensation. The expenses must have been necessary.

Products sold «as seen» or «as is»

When you buy second hand, the product will often be described as «sold as seen» or «sold as is». This limits your rights somewhat, but the trader must still give you all the necessary information and keep their promises, and the product must be as expected.

If you've bought something from a private individual, the product must be of a significantly poorer quality than you were expecting for you to be able to make a claim.

Check the retailer's product warranty

Additional security

If you have a product warranty, you may be able to make aclaim even after the end of the statutory warranty period. A product warranty will often allow you to make a claim for various types of faults, so you should read the terms and conditions carefully.

The law always applies

If the trader says the fault is not covered by the product warranty, you may still have a valid claim thanks to the Consumer Sales Act.

How to complain to the trader

If you wish to make a claim, you should first raise the issue with the trader. If you fail to come to an agreement, you may lodge your case with the The Consumer Authority or the relevant complaints board.