The Norwegian Consumer Council holds a Halloween TED-Talk
31. oktober, 2018
Today, TED has published Finn Myrstad’s presentation about why we should be scared of connected toys, and what horrors could be lurking within 900 pages of terms and conditions.
– The TED-platform gives us a unique opportunity to reach new audiences with our message about why internet connected products and services have to be secure, says Randi Flesland.
– The invitation to give a TED Talks is also a great recognition of our work for better consumer rights, and sets the stage for further efforts to secure the consumer position in an increasingly digital world.
TED is a non-profit organisation that aims to spread «good ideas» through short presentations. TED Talks have millions of viewers all over to world, and only a few Norwegians have been invited to hold official talks at their New York venue.
Unsecure toys and smartwatches for kids
The Norwegian Consumer Council has tested a variety of different digital products and services, including toys, smartwatches, and fitness wearables. Several of these tests have made global headlines, and consumer organisations from all over the world have contributed to these campaigns.
In the wake of these campaigns, the connected doll «My Friend Cayla» has been granted a spot at the Berlin Spy Museum, has been taken off the shelves at Walmart, and most recently has been touted as a direct reason for California adopting new regulations, specifically targeted at securing connected consumer products. Nevertheless, a lot of work remains.
– We still see a vast amount of unsecure connected products being offered and sold to consumers. There is a clear need for stronger regulations, enforcement action, and industry standards aimed at fostering safe and consumer-friendly products, says Flesland.
– It is also overdue that retailers selling these products take responsibility, by implementing quality control and knowing what kind of products they are stocking. Unfortunately, we see far too many examples that show that the situation is out of control.

Øyvind H. Kaldestad
Kommunikasjonsrådgiver – digitale rettigheter og strøm
Press Photo
Press Photo 1 Finn Myrstad Ted Talks (foto: Ryan Lash/TED)
Press Photo 2 Finn Myrstad Ted Talks (foto: Ryan Lash/TED)